LORIS CECCHINI : Non-elementary particles

Exposition Paris

Exposition / Exposition Paris 414 Views comments

Loris Cecchini, a leading artist born in 1969 in Milan, explores in a playful and highly ornamental approach “a reconfiguration of our sense of area and our contact with the setting”. A “reconfiguration” which, on the first flooring of the long-lasting sailboat-shaped tower rising above the bogus sands of Dubai, within the Pop-Up exhibition area of the very Italian and very international Galleria Continua, takes on a really special dimension… In addition to using brilliant, vibrant colours and crowd pleasing supplies (a lot appreciated within the markets…), his principal weapon for seducing – and destabilising – the attention is instability. Instability of type, typically decreased to fluctuations (Wallwaves), vibrations (Quanta Canticum) and, above all, variations: his modular installations, composed of tons of of intertwined steel bone particles, entitled Waterbones, type a big random memento mori towards a background of psychedelic sandy landscapes (in polyester resin).

Loris Cecchini « Aeolian Landforms and different Particles »
Galleria Continua
Burj Al Arab Jumeirah, Dubaï
Till 30 April 2022


Stéphanie Dulout

L’article  LORIS CECCHINI : Non-elementary particles est apparu en premier sur Galerie Joseph.
