Exposition Paris

Exposition / Exposition Paris 321 Views comments

“I have sought the dematerialization of the thing by way of the creation of false views, in order that the area around the viewer identifies with the item itself,” stated the artist, designer, and architect Nanda Vigo (1936-2020) in 2006.

Dematerializing the item and materializing mild by capturing and amplifying its reflections, breaking the bounds of area, increasing and multiplying perceptions of type by means of glass, aluminum and neon: these are a few of the challenges that have been at the origin of the whole and experimental art work, which might be described as utopian, of the Italian artist to whom the Musée des arts décoratifs et du design de Bordeaux pays tribute. Monochrome interiors, reflective surfaces, furry furnishings, long-haired materials, neon geometries, and luminous pyramidal sculptures with spectacular reflections… extremely sensorial, her singular and typically indeterminate objects, her furniture and her “chronotopic” installations goal to switch our perception of space-time. A radical design that demultiplies and fragments to deconstruct and reconstruct area – an internalized area. 

“Nanda Vigo, the internal area” – MADD-Bordeaux
39, rue Bouffard, Bordeaux  
From July 7, 2022 to January eight, 2023

Stéphanie Dulout

L’article NANDA VIGO : THE INTERIOR SPACE est apparu en premier sur Galerie Joseph.
