Via its historical theme, this exhibition provides the nude a new lease of life. Avoiding the essentialization of the model in addition to the artist, the pictures supply different perspectives of illustration, embracing the fluidity of gender expressions. Thus, the exhibition “Nude” formulates a question more than a solution, that of the current and future evolutions of the theme. From one artist to another, bodies are half-exposed, as in Prue Stent & Honey Lengthy, represented individually and by their proximity in the photographs of Denisse Ariana Pérez, linked to the weather with Julia SH, current in their day by day lives with Bettina Pittaluga, and expressing with power their diversities.
Until Might 1st
Fotografiska, New-York
Ana Bordenave
L’article NUDE, SUBVERSIVE FEMININE LOOK AT FOTOGRAFISKA est apparu en premier sur Galerie Joseph.