Exposition Paris

Exposition / Exposition Paris 351 Views comments

Every summer time for the past ten years, the previous city of the Dukes of Brittany has been given over to artists charged with reinterpreting its heritage, even when it means disguising it. For this re-creation of the Voyage à Nantes, Hélène Delprat deploys her small shadow theatre with the looks of a danse macabre on the church sq., invaded by black silhouettes evoking some medieval fabliau, whereas Pascal

Convert takes over the Miséricorde cemetery with a herd of deer carved into glass tombstones (with the assistance of a master glassmaker) in a really poetic and dreamlike memento mori. Reworking public area right into a pictorial area, Krijn de Koning, for his part, has given new colour to an previous Peugeot storage from the early fifties, a circular concrete garage with one of many first spiral carparks with steady ramps. Voyage, Voyage…

From 2 July to 2 October

Stéphanie Dulout

L’article THE JOURNEY TO NANTES est apparu en premier sur Galerie Joseph.
